Remote pair programming for SublimeText.
This project is maintained by TeamRemote
Remote Collab is an open-source SublimeText plugin for remote pair programming, allowing multiple developers to work together on the same project in real-time.
The easiest way to install is using Sublime Package Control.
Tools -> Command Palette...
(⇧⌘P on Mac)Package Control: Install Package
and hit Enter
You can also install Remote Collab manually:
directory, which you can find using the menu item Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Browse Packages...
Tools -> Command Palette...
(⇧⌘P on Mac)Remote: Host Session
Tools -> Command Palette...
(⇧⌘P on Mac)Remote: Connect to Session
Team Remote is Hawk Weisman (@hawkw), Dibyojyoti Mukherjee (@dibyom), Soukaina Hamimoune (@hamimounes), and Andreas Bach Landgrebe (@grebes15). We are students at Allegheny College.